Notice board

about 4 years ago

The WFA Mentorship Scheme

Women in Food and Agriculture are delighted to announce the creation of our first mentorship scheme.

In last year’s WFA survey which had more than 2,500 respondents from the global food and ag industry, 75% of women said our industry’s lack of mentors was a significant barrier to progression.

The majority of mentors we currently see in our industry traditionally tend to be senior people from the same organisation as the person being mentored. While these programmes can have really positive outcomes, this does not meet the needs of everyone in our sector.

To tackle this, WFA is launching our Mentorship scheme. We are looking for women who want a mentor and people of all genders to act as mentors to help support the next generation of leaders in our industry.



How will it work

Applications to become a Mentor will be welcome until 22nd January 2021. We will choose 20 mentors from these applications and, at the start of February, we will announce who they are and open up for mentees to apply to be part of the programme.

The mentors will then receive a mentee or potentially a shortlist of mentees for them to choose from if there is a lot of interest in the programme. From here we will make introductions and the mentoring can begin.

We will provide the pairings with guidance on how we recommend this relationship should operate and we will host quarterly online discussion sessions or roundtables with all of the mentors or all of the mentees to ensure they are supported.


How to apply to be a mentor:

If you would like to apply to be a mentor, please complete this short form by 22nd January 2021. Click here to access the form