Notice board

12 months ago

The Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) is open again for applications.

 Under new rules, all farms where livestock slurry is produced will be required to have 22 weeks slurry storage capacity by 1 January 2026. Slurry stores constructed before September 1991 have until 2026 to be compliant with the new storage requirements, but those constructed after this date must be compliant by 2024. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has committed to working with those farmers who have less than 22 weeks storage after 1 January 2026 with the aim reaching compliance as quickly as possible.

Around 60 Scottish farms applied for slurry storage funding in the 2023 round, largely due to the short application window, but the expectation is that many more will apply in 2024.

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