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almost 4 years ago

LEAF Open Farm Sunday

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day is on 27th June 2021 — farm­ing’s annu­al open day. Togeth­er let’s show­case and cel­e­brate British farm­ing and all it deliv­ers.

If you are a farmer and think­ing of host­ing an event:

To vis­it a farm on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, put 27th June date in your diary and come back to this web­site near­er the time to find a local farm to vis­it. Mean­while, take a look at our Out and About in the coun­try­side leaflet.

Thank you to every­one who sup­port­ed LEAF Online Farm Sun­day 28th March. Some won­der­ful vir­tu­al farm tours and farm­ing videos! Read more and relive the expe­ri­ence via the LEAF Open Farm Sun­day Face­book page! #LOFS21

Our Farm Fit Com­pe­ti­tion gave a fab­u­lous insight into dai­ly farm­ing activ­i­ties as our three par­tic­i­pants walked a stag­ger­ing 510,188 steps in the run up to 28th March! Con­grat­u­la­tions to our com­pe­ti­tion win­ner: Pen­ny B in Nor­folk. #Farm­Fit­Cow

LEAF Online Farm Sun­day, 26th Sep­tem­ber 2021 will fea­ture anoth­er pro­gramme of Face­book live vir­tu­al farm tours. To keep you con­nect­ed with farm­ing through­out the year, watch our month­ly vir­tu­al farm vis­its on the first Sun­day of each month. Read more and watch the farm tours here.

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