Notice board

over 1 year ago

Holstein Young Bursary - Open for applications

The Bursary

One bursary of up to £1,500 will be awarded on an annual basis and a Holstein Young Breeder is only eligible to apply once per year and must state how they would spend the money in their application (e.g. conference place, international study trip, transport costs, additional certificates, i.e. foot trimming course). 

Entry Requirements

To apply for the bursary, applicants must specify how they intend to use the bursary and submit an entry outlining ‘Why I want to be part of the British dairy industry’. Entries can be submitted as either a 500 word written essay, or a two minute video. Entries must be sent to by Friday 26th April, 2024 and the applications will be reviewed by the Holstein UK Board of Trustees.


Applications open: Friday 13th October, 2023

Applications close: Friday 26th April, 2024

Successful applicant(s) notified: Friday 31st May, 2024

What is expected of recipients

By submitting an entry, successful applicants agree to be featured in media and promotional activities surrounding the bursaries.