Notice board

about 1 year ago

Heifer Rearing Event - SRUC Crichton, Dumfries, 28 Nov 10.30am

The performance of heifers in their first lactation is directly related to how they are managed and perform in the first few months of life. Join us for this informative event which will highlight some of the changes implemented in calf and heifer rearing at SRUC’s Crichton farm over the past year. Our team will be detailing the improvements in performance, cost implications and challenges.

Funded by the University Innovation Fund from the Scottish Funding Council.

A free event with lunch included. Tuesday 28th November | 10:30am – 2:15pm SRUC Crichton Royal Farm, Dumfries, DG1 4TT

Speakers will include Sven Koops (Dairy Farms Manager, SRUC), Colin Mason (Veterinary Centre Manager, SRUC), Lorna MacPherson (Dairy Consultant, SAC Consulting) and David Bell (Beef Consultant, SAC Consulting

To book please register here -

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