Notice board

20 days ago

First UK wide Farm Assurance Review publish results

the review makes nine strategic recommendations:

  1. On-farm audits must be reduced, simplified and delivered more consistently;
  2. There must be a transformational step forward in embracing technology;
  3. Schemes need to reset and/or restate their structures to establish farmers as the driving voice in standards development;
  4. A new industry-led initiative must set out the future environmental ambitions for farm assurance;
  5. The inclusion of regulatory requirements within farm assurance should be conditional on government agreeing a form of ‘earned recognition’;
  6. There must be greater collaboration between farm assurance schemes across the UK;
  7. Schemes must better position the UK farming industry in world food markets and in competition with imported food;
  8. All schemes must review and improve their communication with farmers;
  9. The Red Tractor scheme must complete the implementation of recommendations in the Campbell Tickell report on its governance.

Under these nine strategic recommendations, a total of 56 operational recommendations have also been made, with clear lead bodies and timescales.

The Commissioners also call on governments across the UK to take a more structured and active approach to the interaction between assurance schemes and regulation, recognising the benefits this will bring to the farming industry, as well as to consumers, and the potential it will have to contribute to the better understanding of the impact of post-Brexit farming policies.

Read the full review here